Monday, February 13, 2006

Tender is the night...

Hi there. It's been a while since I've posted (a week -- eep!). I have been keeping plenty busy, though, between work, drinking, reading awesome comic books, and a supercool Feist concert (I've got photos, they're just not up yet.)

So tonight's post is a little different. Instead of my usual music news, personal opinions, or general ramblings, I've decided to post about any memories I have connected with listening to one particular album. I'll try to pick one at random, and of course not an album I just picked up in the last few months or haven't given much attention yet. This week, I'll be reminiscing about Blur's 13.

I bought 13 back in college during my second semester of freshmen year. I remember I had purchased it -- from Record Service, no less -- right before my MATH 130 class (the second time I was taking the course, teehee). I got it mainly because I loved the tracks "Coffee & TV" and "Tender" and had wanted to hear the rest of the album they originated from. It's funny, because my best memories of listening to this album are when I secluded myself in my dorm room and played Counterstrike on some weekday afternoon, probably when I should have been at class. (I had a single that semester, it was awesome.) 13 was almost always in my stereo when I was playing Counterstrike, too. The other albums that accompanied it while I played where usually Tenacious D's self-titled and Gorillaz' B-sides collection, G-Sides. Ahhhh, fun stuff.

If you have any memories connected with this album you'd like to share, feel free to post 'em in the comment section!


Blogger phillip retuta said...

I connect "Coffee & TV" and "Tender" with Mrs. What's-Her-Face's Calc AP class in high school.

And now Kyna Forkins is addicted to crack and Justin Coefield is a single parent relying on welfare... Oh! How times have changed!

9:29 AM, February 14, 2006  

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